It's all hands on deck!
The weather did not cooperate so we've rescheduled the second spring work party. Drop by for a few hours and help out. It's up to all of us to pitch in to get the club ready for the season.
Some of the most pressing items still to be done are: spread the woodchips, the outdoors light are to be installed, the city has dropped off a few skids of sandbags to be used at our boat launch area, boat captains could use your help getting the fleet ready and cubbies are to be labeled.
PS: we've got the food covered. No need for that last minute shopping unless you would like to bring unhealthy snacks, a few cans of beer for yourself, the usual.

Getting to TISC
The Toronto Island Marina Tender is the preferred way to get to TISC. Tender dock is located on the east side of 207 Queens Quay West. (Note: let the boat captain know that you will be buying tender tickets or a yearly pass at the Marina office). Tender leaves the marina every 60 minutes from 8:45am and the last one of the day leaves the island at 4:45 pm. See How to Get to TISC.