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Toronto Island Sailing Club

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Become a member

Toronto Island Sailing Club (TISC) is Toronto's best-kept secret, and a fantastic way to spend your summer! Whether you've never set foot in a boat before, or you're an experienced Skipper, there is something for you at TISC! The club offers two types of membership, a Sailing Membership for people interested in participating in all activities—both on water and on land—and a Social Membership for those just looking to participate in activities on land. The benefits for both types of membership are outlined below.

For additional details send an email to our Membership Director.

Click here to join TISC!


Sailing Membership

Develop sailing skills in a safe and fun environment. Sailing Membership benefits include:

  • Social Sail scheduling one night per week: Tue, Wed or Thurs.
    (on a Social Sail night, every novice member has an oppotunity to be partnered with an experienced member for the duration of the sailing season)
  • Access to CANSail classes
  • Opportunity to sail at other times
  • Opportunity to participate in races
  • Post-Social Sailing BBQ potluck dinner
  • Use of the club facilities at any time (including access to
    Toronto Island Marina's washrooms and hot showers)
  • Invites to all club events
  • Ability to purchase onsite cubby for storage of belongings
  • Ability to purchase discounted Toronto Island Marina Tender tickets to get to Toronto Island

    Cost for new Sailing Members
    Visit our membership application page

Social Membership

Participate in on-land activities, without sailing. Social Membership benefits include:

Payment Policy

It is club policy that no partial payments will be accepted. You will be considered a member once full payment has been accepted by the treasurer and waivers have been signed on a first-come, first-serve basis.

View TISC Code of Conduct (PDF)

Once You Become a Member

So what happens next?

As a member you will be added to the mailing list for the club’s monthly e-newsletter, which will inform you about upcoming club news and events.

Have you registered for CANSail lessons yet? Take a look at the dates and consider signing up for this formal training option.

In early May, you will receive an invitation to one of the club’s Safety Orientation Sessions.

In May you will also receive a link to the club’s 2023 Member Handbook, which describes everything from recommended gear, to club boat procedures. In addition, you will be assigned a Social Sailing night for the summer.

Social sailing will begin the week of May 21, 2024.

If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to send an email to

See you soon!

Attend our Open House

Itching to ask questions and missed the Info Session nights? Come to our Open House in May 2024. You'll have a chance to ask questions and tour the clubhouse and grounds on the island. (Dates to come soon!)

Afterwards, if you decide to join, we'll head to our Launch of the Season party for some drinks (free to new members!).

Join Us Next Season

If you're unable to join us this season, subscribe to our mailing list. and we'll keep you up to date about next year. 

Upcoming Events

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