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Toronto Island Sailing Club

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The racing program is a vital and exciting part of TISC, and a great way to hone your skills and learn some new ones! There are opportunities for all members to participate in racing regardless of skill level. Even if you don’t want to race there are opportunities to participate on the race committee and help run races from one of our motor boats.

The 2024 racing season includes 19 Friday Night Races, 12 Harbour Masters, and 7 all-day or multi day Regattas. Details for the 2024 racing season are now available. Refer to the Canadian Albacore Association Racing Calendar for more information.

For more information about racing at TISC read the TISC Handbook and if you can't find your answer, contact our Racing Director.

Friday Night Racing Series: This is where it all starts!

The Friday Night Race (FNR) is the longest standing, and largest, one-design race series in North America! On a hot summer night you might see up to fifty Albacores on the race course. Racing Skippers and crew are assigned by random draw - participants must sign-up for the upcoming FNR by the Wednesday at 7:00 PM before the race using the links on the right.

Racing is either held in the Inner or outer Harbour depending on which club is hosting the race. Racing starts at 7pm (except the first race and last 3 races in the series which start at 6:45pm), so take the 5:00pm tender to make it on time!

Crew for the FNR must have their Helms status of higher - consult the TISC Handbook for more information.

Harbour Masters Races

Harbour Master races are a set of 2 races, typically take place on Sunday afternoons from May through September. This series of races is held on the Inner or Outer Harbour depending on the club hosting the race. Helm and crew pair themselves in advance of the races, so contact any of the TISC Racing Skippers to get involved. Unlike the FNR Series, crew do not need to have their Helms status to participate.


A Regatta is a multi-race event, usually one day but occasionally two days or even longer. A number of albacore regattas are held between May and October. Sailing Instructions are given out at the time of registration. Most regattas are held on the lake. Skippers and crew choose each other, so contact a Racing Skipper to get involved.

TISC holds an annual regatta and invites Albacore races from other clubs in Toronto and elsewhere. Usually four races are scheduled with the best three to count in the overall standing. Regattas are  followed by dinner and a party hosted at TISC, where trophies will be awarded to the top three boats overall and the top three TISC boats. There is always plenty of music, dancing and partying until the last ferry (or water taxi, if you dance past the last ferry).

This regatta is one of TISC’s biggest events of the sailing season! All are encouraged to attend whether they are racing or not.

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