- JUne 18, 2022 -
Our favourite event of the year is back after 2 years away! Join your fellow TISC-ers and guests at the 54th Annual TISC Regatta & Dinner! Team up with a racing skipper and compete on the course, or just join in for dinner & the afterparty, which boasts a delicious hot meal, a 50/50 Cornhole tournament, live music, bonfire and more.
Invite your friends and family! The more the merrier!
Buy your dinner ticket by June 15! If you are racing only, you can purchase up to June 18.
9:30 am - Race Committee Meeting
11:00 am - First race starts. Racing continues throughout the day
3:30 pm - Last race will start before 3:30 pm
4:30 pm - Corn Hole Tournament begins (racers who wish to participate can start later)
**Sign up using the link below. Players will be paired into groups of two!**
5:30 pm - Drinks and snacks
6:30 pm - Racing awards handed out
7:00 pm - Dinner
8:00 pm - Live music with regatta regular "Mama Rae and Her Bad Decisions" + Dance floor
10:00 pm - Bonfire
Dinner Only: $35
Race Only: $25
Race + 2 Dinners: $80
*Early Bird Incentive: Buy your ticket before Wednesday, June 8 and enter a draw for TISC swag!
**Bring your own drinks
***50/50 Cornhole tournament will be a $5 buy-in. Sign up using the link below!
Additional Notes:
- If you are not racing, please consider volunteering to help prep! Email Laura at social@torontosailing.com
-If you want to volunteer with the race committee, email Clara at racing@torontosailing.com
- If you need a vegetarian/vegan meal, please email social@torontosailing.com in advance.
If you are racing, a link to the release waiver is included in the registration process.