Join us at 8pm on Thursday, March 20 for the TISC 2025 New Member Online Info Session #2
Video call link: Or dial: (CA) +1 226-315-5435 PIN: 423 168 615# More phone numbers:
Join us on Google Meets and learn all there is to know about the Toronto Island Sailing Club at this virtual info session.
Learn about the club's offerings, from lesson options, the social sailing program and boats, to the clubhouse facilities, racing opportunities and more.
Members from our friendly executive team will be online to share an informal presentation and answer all of your burning questions.
Still have questions? Feel free to send a note to:
Join us at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, April 1 for the TISC 2025 New Member Online Info Session #3
Video call link: Or dial: (CA) +1 587-794-9022 PIN: 973 139 683#
More phone numbers:
CANSail is designed to be a set of progressive learn to sail standards focused on providing sailors with a solid foundation of core skills.
Note: There will be a break for lunch each day, and students should pack food and water to stay energized and hydrated
If you have questions please contact
Join your fellow TISC-ers and guests at the 57th Annual TISC Regatta & Dinner! Team up with a racing skipper and compete on the course, or join for a Summer Solstice themed dinner & afterparty, with delicious food, bar and musical guests to get you up on your feet!
Invite your friends and family! The more the merrier!
More details to come!
CANSail 1 teaches sailors the fundamental sailing skills including basic sheeting, steering, and boat handling on all points of sail. Sailors can sail within defined boundaries set by an instructor.
CANSail 2 teaches sailors to adjust their bodies and boats for changes in direction and wind speed while sailing, and to perform boat-handling maneuvers in a controlled manner while in a controlled setting.